Hei mine kjære lesere 🫶🏻 I dag får dere et helt rått treningsprogram av meg som med mange av mine yndlings øvelser 🙌🏼 Disse øvelsene har jeg brukt mye og kroppen jeg har konkurrert med er laget av bl.a dette programmet.

Programmet ble postet i trenings magasinet Cyberflex etter mine topplasseringer under konkurransene i London og USA.

Så ønsker du å komme deg i KNALLFORM til sommeren, eller bare BEHOLDE KNALLFORM FOR ALLTID  da har du uten tvil et program her som sparer deg for mye unødvendige utgifter hos en PT.

DIETTEN finner du også i intervjuet.

Jeg får ta på meg jobben å være deres gratis PT over nett siden jeg har denne bloggen nå:) Exclusive Interview With Norwegian Beauty & Fitness Competitor Anne-Cathrine Westby

Likevel må jeg også tilføyet at programmet er noen år gammelt og jeg sitter med enda mer kunnskap i dag en hva jeg gjorde den gangen og kommer nok til å gjøre noen ting annerledes til min neste konkurranse nå siden jeg spiser mer vegansk men likevel er det et helt topp program å bruke. Man lærer jo så lenge man lever, og av erfaringer blir man rikere.

– og dere, for guds skyld ikke glem å tøye og rulle opp kroppen etter trening. Tøy og rull gjerne kroppen før og under trening også for å få de beste resultatene og den aller beste restutusjonen og nattesøvnen 🙏🏼

Jeg har alltid vert opptatt av å bygge kvinnelige former, så programmet er spesielt for det. Her har dere programmet:


What is your training routine like?

I always decide what to do before I go to the gym. I rarely plan more days in advance what I’m going to train because I know what is right for the body to exercise that day. If I’m still stumble in my legs, I’m not exercising legs that day. I always use my entire body every time I’m training, to “remind” the muscles to be active. This can, for example, be a warming round with HIIT strength.
I like to have a good mix of HIIT, power, hypertrophy, maximum strength of anaerobic and aerobic cardio training.

A session can look like this:

  • 20 minutes HIIT
  • Weights 90 minutes
  • 20 minutes cardio

And a week can look like this:

  • Monday: Cardio + glutes & quads
  • Tuesday: Rest day
  • Wednesday: Cardio + HIIT, shoulders & abs
  • Thursday: Back, glutes & hams + cardio
  • Friday: HIIT + glutes, quads & abs
  • Saturday: Cardio long distance
  • Sunday: Upper body & abs + cardio

A typical leg session can be like this:

  • HIIT full body 3 rounds of 10 reps each exercise (jumping jacks, sit ups, push ups, back raises, lunges, squat jumps, side jumps)
  • Bulgarian split squat: 2 sets of 8 reps
  • One leg deadlift: 3 sets of 8 reps
  • Sissy squats: 3 sets of max reps
  • Glute splits: 3 sets of 12/12/12 reps (dropset)
  • Jumping squats with heavy weights: 2 sets of max reps (superset)
  • Sit ups on ball: (superset)
  • Cabel front kick: 3 sets of 15 reps (superset)
  • Ab crunches: (superset)
  • Leg extensions: 3 sets of 6/6/6 reps (dropset)
  • Leg extensions one leg: 2 sets of 20/20 reps
  • Hanging leg raises: 3 sets of max reps (superset)
  • Booty crunch: 3 sets of max reps (superset)
What is your favourite form of cardio?

It depends on what I put in cardio. Do I do it for fat loss or for performance?
I use three different types of cardio. If I’m doing cardio only for fat loss, I’ll do power walk, especially here in Miami, here you have such a nice view.
Do I train cardio more for achievement and better heart rhythm is the running that matters. Then I prefer both long runs, skiing, or HIIT running.
If I run long distance, I run 65% of max pulse and if I do HIIT, I run 80% + of heart rate.

What is your diet like?

I always eat the same kind of food, competition prep or not. The only difference I do when I’m preparing for a show is the calorie deficit. So yes, it’s a lifestyle and I like to stay in shape all year round.
My diet varies a lot and I’m looking at getting all of the vitamins I need through the diet. Even though I have preached to the show so many times I have never had a shortage of nutrients. But another thing I’m going to be honest about that I would like to inform others about and that is to eat enough food. I have been too eager when I get to exercise and I have received too little energy that the metabolism is going to be in “saving blush” because I do not eat enough. I have met the wall many times with this. So my best tip, make sure you eat enough food!
So do a careful calculation of how much carbohydrates, fiber, fat and protein you need, and carbohydrates are your best friend when you know how to utilize them and what to combine them with. I always make sure that you have a good combination of fat, fiber, carbohydrates and protein in the meal so that I can minimize blood sugar. Every meal before and after exercise I do not include fiber, so the body can spend the energy and have a faster recovery process. I eat a lot of vegetables, and sometimes I make smoothies of, for example, broccoli, spinach and lime, to get a good combination of iron, vitamin C and fiber. This smoothie I drink several times a day.
Do not drink coffee with the meal, as this can prevent the body from absorbing the good nutrients in the food.

I use good sources of protein, like steak, so I’m sure I get all the good essential amino acids in me.

I always track my macros to make sure I get enough food and not too much protein.
Yes I have cheat days, it’s healthy for both body and soul, and especially to keep the burn up. I cheat very rarely on unhealthy food since I have Crohn’s disease and therefore get bad if I eat sugar or wheat flour. I choose to cheat on healthier alternatives. Null problem with social events, it just requires some planning.
A good tip is when you know that you are going to eat in the evening is to track what you have planned to eat already in the morning. Then you have a certain idea of how to eat the other meals of the day and you will not have to make up for it afterwards.

My diet consists of all kinds of vegetables, chick peas, whole grains (oats and buckwheat), nuts, nut milk, sweet potatoes, fruits and citrus fruits and berries, and some milk products. The protein source may sometimes be vegetarian, but I use animal protein every now and then to make sure that all of the 9 amino acids fall into place in the diet. I am big fan of salmon and seafood but I do not eat it so often. Therefore, I take supplements of essential fatty acids, 3, 6, 9, DHA, EPA and iodine.

I always use raw materials that I know contain the vitamins and nutrients I need.

Les mer i intervjuet med Cuberflex 😊



Bare å spørre i kommentarfeltet om det er noe dere lurer på 😊

God trening💪🏼 xox

2 kommentarer
    1. dette er vel et treningsprogram når du var å konkurerte i fitness? det er skummelt å legge ut dette. Folk tror at de får den kroppen av å kun trene sånn, men det er 80% kost og 20% trening som skal til for å gjøre det.

      1. Hei til deg! Har ikke sagt at kosthold ikke har mye å si, selvsagt har det det. Kostholdet ligger også i intervjuet så anbefaler deg å klikke på linken og lese hele før du kommenterer 😉

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